Statement from Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum on President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration

January 28, 2017
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​Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum issued the following statement today:

“The President’s Executive Order on immigration reinstates national origin discrimination, something that President Lyndon B. Johnson long ago rejected as “harsh injustice”. We will not go back to those days of our American history. Let me be clear — Discrimination based on national origin is illegal.”

“Here in Oregon, we welcome and honor our immigrants, who add so much to the quality of our lives. This order shuts out Oregonians’ families, instills a culture of fear and demeans many of our most hard-working and talented neighbors and friends.

“I know I join many other Oregon leaders when I say I am appalled by this latest Executive Order. We will use the full force of the rule of law to protect and serve all people of our state.”


Kristina Edmunson, Department of Justice,, 503-378-6002