Statement from Attorney General Rosenblum on Filing Amended Complaint on Lawsuit Challenging President Trump’s Travel Ban

March 13, 2017
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​​Statement from Attorney General Rosenblum on the filing of the amended complaint in the Western District of Washington lawsuit challenging President Trump’s travel ban:

“As state Attorneys General, who are sworn to uphold both our state and federal constitutions, we are committed to holding the President to full compliance with the Rule of Law and the United States Constitution. No matter what the President contends now–the bell cannot be un-rung. This second Executive Order has the same discriminatory intent as the first one. I am looking forward to working with my state Attorney General colleagues and seeing the judicial process play out favorably once again.”

On February 23, 2017, Oregon filed its motion to intervene in the Washington Attorney General’s lawsuit in the Western District of Washington. Last week, the Court granted Oregon’s motion. California, Maryland, Massachusetts and New York have also joined Washington and Oregon in the lawsuit.

The complaint can be found here.


Kristina Edmunson, Department of Justice,, 503-378-6002