Don’t fall for these phony Geek Squad invoices and customer service numbers.
Consumers and small business owners are being targeted by a scam that involves fraudulent invoices and customer service numbers posing as Best Buy’s Geek Squad. Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is urging Oregonians to be on the lookout for this scam.
“If you get a text message or email that says you were or will be charged hundreds of dollars to renew your Geek Squad membership unless you call a phone number within 24 hours, don’t be fooled. This is a scam,” said Attorney General Rosenblum.
Typically, the email will also include a PDF of this “invoice” along with a phone number to call to cancel the so-called subscription.
If you do call the number, a “customer service agent,” who is a scam artist, will answer and pretend to help you. During this call, the fake customer service agent will ask you to confirm your bank account information.
Once the scammer has your bank information, they can withdraw money and disappear before you ever have a chance to stop them.
Even if you don’t call the number, be cautious about clicking on any links within the email or opening any attachments. They could contain malware that allows the scammer to get into your device and steal whatever information they want.
To stay safe, do not open email attachments or click on links unless you are certain they are from legitimate sources. If you are uncertain, you can always call the Attorney General’s Consumer Hotline at 1-877-877-9392 to confirm.
For more information on how to stay safe from fraud, visit www.oregonconsumer.gov