Training Resources for Grantees

Civil Rights Training (all grantees)

CVSSD grantees are required to take the Civil Rights & Grants online training (English ») (Spanish »). They must also complete at least one of the online training modules available on the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Justice (OCR) website:

  1. What is the Office for Civil Rights and What Laws Does It Enforce?
  2. What Obligations Do Recipients of Justice Department Funding Have to Provide Services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons?
  3. What are the Civil Rights Laws that Affect Funded Faith-Based Organizations?
  4. What Civil Rights Protections Do American Indians Have in Programs Funded by the Justice Department? What are the Obligations of Funded Indian Tribes?
  5. What are the Standard Assurances and How Does the Office for Civil Rights Enforce Civil Rights Laws?

OCR online civil rights training can be found  here.

Grantees must certify that they have completed civil rights training by signing the Civil Rights Training Certification form (PDF) » and uploading it into E-Grants. The Civil Rights Certification Form must be updated every two years. Spanish version of the Civil Rights Training Certification form (PDF) »

E-Grants Training (all grantees)

Learn more about how to navigate the CVSSD E-Grants System, including information regarding how to register and how to initiate, complete, and submit applications, financial reports, progress reports, and amendments.

CVSSD E Grants Training with American Sign Language

CVSSD E Grants Training without American Sign Language

Recorded Trainings Provided to CVSSD Grantees by Nonprofit Association of Oregon

See the list of training recordings and materials available. As recordings are completed, they will be added to this link for access.

Topics include:

  • General Requirements for Grant Compliance
  • Fund Accounting
  • Indirect Cost Rates
  • Governing Legal Compliance
  • Preparing for Audits
  • Developing Budgets
  • HR Policies and Practices (Part 1 and Part 2)

Federal Financial Training

Oregon’s Federal Financial Management expert, Kay Sohl, presented vital federal financial management information for Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division grantees in a series of regional trainings. Topics included: Cost Allocation Plans, Direct Timekeeping, Indirect Costs, and Program Income. For CVSSD Grantees who were unable to attend, CVSSD is working with Kay Sohl to develop an online version of this training which will be made available here. The power point used in the training is linked below.

Federal Financial Training power point

Karpel Recorded Webinars (District Attorney Victim Assistance Program Grantees)

Victim Services in PbK Version 6.2 : Learn about the new VOCA association feature for services and crime categories along with Karpel’s new VOCA association report and VOCA Grant Form.

 Victim/Witness Management : Learn different ways to record contacts and correspondence with victims and witnesses.

New Grantee Orientation (all grantees)

Held annually, New Grantee Orientation is an opportunity for those who have been in their positions for two years or less to meet with CVSSD fund coordinators to receive basic information on grant management. For more information about the next New Grantee Orientation, please contact Marjorie Doran.

Completing Your  PMT (VOCA grantees)

Learn about how to access the OVC PMT website, manage your account, and enter data for your quarterly report.

Completing Your PMT »