Important Grant Reporting Dates

All Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD) Grantees must submit the required financial and progress reports via CVSSD E-Grants.»  Please align the reporting period with the type of grant to see what reports should be submitted.

Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) reporting requirements for joint domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) grantees can be found on a DHS resource page ».

Reporting Requirements Across Funds

CAMI, CFA and ODSVS payments are made according to the dates identified in the grant agreement. Grantees should only submit the Common Outcome Measures Report once per quarter.

For a printable version of the table download: Reporting Requirements Across Funds (PDF) »

CVSSD Reporting Requirements Across Funds

CVSSD Reporting Requirements Across Funds