Community Violence Intervention and Prevention (CVI)
Non-Competitive Grant Opportunity
Grant Fund Coordinators
Nathaline Frener & Alexxis Robinson-Woods
Oregon is investing in the health, safety, and resilience of our communities through non-competitive grant opportunities. Grant funds will be used for intervention and prevention of community violence, including gang and gun violence.
What is Community Violence?
Community violence happens between unrelated individuals, who may or may not know each other, generally outside the home. Examples include assaults or fights among groups and shootings in public places, such as schools and on the streets.
What does intervention and prevention look like?
- Evidence-informed strategies to reduce violence through tailored community-centered initiatives.
- Engages individuals and groups to prevent and disrupt cycles of violence and retaliation
- Establishes relationships to deliver services that save lives, address trauma, provide opportunity, and improve the physical, social, and economic conditions that drive violence.
Some of the ways funding may be used
- Afterschool programs
- Group violence interventions
- Hospital-based violence interruption programs
- Job training and employment programs
- Neighborhood change agent programs
- Street outreach
- Mediation training
- Mentoring programs
- Restorative Justice
- Reentry services
Where does the funding come from?
Through HB 5202, the Oregon Legislature designated 15 million dollars to support Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention (CVI). These funds were made available through use of the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds. Oregon Department of Justice, Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division is administering these funds.
Who Can Apply
Community-based organizations specializing in community violence prevention, intervention, or reduction.
Grant Application Information
Community Violence Intervention & Prevention Award Chart (PDF)»
2023 Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Funds Request for Application (RFA) (PDF)»
2023 Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Form Instruction (PDF)»
Getting a UEI (Unique Entity ID) from (PDF)»
Community Violence Intervention Request for Application FAQ’s (PDF)»