Frequently Asked Questions

Crime Victims Compensation FAQs

How much do compensation benefits cover?

Compensation through the Oregon Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) Program varies on a case-by-case basis. Awards may include:

  • Medical and Counseling Expenses
    $20,000 for reasonable crime-related medical and/or counseling expenses from a licensed provider (QMHP, LCSW, LPC, PhD, MD). If CVC approves the claim, we can pay for 30 counseling sessions. We require a treatment plan from the provider for any further sessions.
  • Rehabilitation
    $4,000 for rehabilitation. CVC requires a referral from a licensed provider for any alternative treatment (e.g., chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture) beyond the first 5 sessions.
  • Transportation
    $3,000 for transportation to drive to and from crime-related medical care that is located more than 60 miles roundtrip from the victim’s residence.
  • Loss of Earnings / Loss of Support
    Up to $600 per week for documented loss of earnings or financial support for up to $20,000. Loss of support benefits will increase to $800 per week for applications submitted after 8/1/23. The victim must be employed at the time of the injury or death to qualify.
  • Funeral Expenses
    $5,000 maximum for funeral expenses. The applicant may request an additional amount to assist with out-of-pocket expenses on a case-by-case basis.
  • Crime Scene Clean-Up
    $2,500 for crime scene clean-up (for applications submitted effective 8/1/23). Cleaning expenses related to the cleaning of a private residence or place of business due to the physical injury or death of a victim from a compensable crime. Prior resources must be used (see ORS 147.125). CVC considers homeowner insurance a prior resource.
  • Grief Counseling
    $20,000 for reasonable grief counseling expenses from a licensed provider for survivors of a deceased victim.
  • Counseling for Children Who Witness Domestic Violence
    $10,000 for reasonable counseling expenses from a licensed professional (QMHP, LCSW, LPC, PhD, PsyD, MD) for a child who witnessed domestic violence.
  • Limited Counseling
    A person who applies for a compensable crime through CVC but does report to law enforcement or a medical provider, have a SANE/SKIT exam done or obtain a protective order, may be eligible for a $5,000 limited counseling benefit. CVC pays for 15 sessions and then requires a treatment plan from the provider for any further sessions.
  • Counseling for witness to homicide
    $5,000 for reasonable counseling expenses for witnessing a homicide.
  • Counseling due to Abuse of Corpse
    $5,000 for reasonable counseling expenses due to the abuse of a corpse.
  • Counseling due to International Terrorism
    $1,000 for reasonable counseling expenses for family members of an Oregon resident who is a victim of international terrorism.
  • Counseling due to Discovering a Deceased Victim’s Body
    $500 for reasonable counseling expenses for friends or acquaintances who are the first to discover a deceased victim’s body.
  • Counseling and Travel due to Post-Conviction Process
    $5,000 for counseling and $3,000 for travel and lodging in additional compensation if a case continues into the post-conviction process.

Do compensation benefits expire?

Compensation benefits do expire, depending on the person who is receiving the benefits.

  • Claims for adult victims expire three years after the date the claim was accepted.
  • Family members of homicide victims must use survivor counseling within five years after the date their claim was accepted.
  • Claims for child victims remain open until their 21st birthday or for three years after the date their claim was accepted, whichever is longer.

Is property damage eligible for compensation?

No. Damage or loss of property is not eligible for compensation.

Is accidental injury or death eligible for compensation?

No. Accidental injury or death is not eligible for compensation.

What else may make a crime ineligible for compensation?

If the crime occurred before the Oregon Crime Victims’ Compensation Program became effective in January 1978, the victim is not eligible for compensation.

How soon will a decision be made?

We usually notify applicants in writing within 70 days of receiving their application.

How is compensation determined?

For each application we receive, we receive obtain police reports, criminal and/or court documents, medical records, and any other information necessary to make a fair determination. An individual’s resources, such as health and auto insurance, medical disability, and/or restitution, are considered resources that must be used before Crime Victims’ Compensation dollars.

Are incarcerated victims eligible for compensation?

Yes. Their application will be processed. CVC can pay providers directly for outstanding crime-related bills as soon as we accept the claim, but CVC cannot reimburse the victim for loss of earnings or out of pocket expenses until they are released from custody.

What if a victim receives additional compensation from a source other than the Crime Victims Compensation Program?

The victim must repay the CVC for any compensation that they paid before the victim recovered money for the criminal injury.

Am I required to use insurance (including the Oregon Health Plan and private medical, automobile and home insurance and Workers’ Compensation) or benefits (Paid Leave Oregon and short/long term disability) before CVC will pay?

Yes. By law, CVC is a payer of last resort. Prior to billing CVC, you must use resources such as private medical insurance, OHP, automobile insurance, Workers Compensation, Paid Leave Oregon, homeowners, and disability insurance. Also, if you have medical insurance, you must see a participating provider. For a funeral benefit, CVC does not consider Go Fund Me Accounts as a prior resource. For loss of earnings benefit, CVC does consider sick leave, vacation, or paid time off (PTO) as a prior resource.

What if the crime occurred in a state other than Oregon?

Compensation benefits are paid by the state where the crime occurred. If you are the victim of a crime that occurred outside of Oregon, please visit the National Association of Crime Victims’ Compensation Boards » for information about compensation programs in that state.

Why was I approved for a limited counseling benefit?

If you did not report the crime to law enforcement or a medical provider, complete a SANE or SKIT exam (for sexual assault or strangulation), or obtain a protective order, you may not qualify for full CVC benefits. However, you may still qualify for a limited counseling benefit.

How do I proceed if I need dental work due to the crime?

If you have dental insurance, including OHP, you are required to seek services with a provider inside your insurance network. If you do not have insurance, CVC must review and approve a treatment plan provided by a licensed dental provider. All treatment needs to be directly related to the crime.

What does CVC require for me to qualify for a loss of earnings benefit?

The following information must be provided to CVC:

  • Documentation from your employer to verify employment and time loss.
  • Your paystub just prior to the crime.

If you are self-employed, please submit the previous year tax records. Effective 09/3/23, Paid Leave Oregon is a prior resource.

A work release from your medical provider or mental health therapist is required if you miss more than 2 weeks of work.


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