Community Collaboration Meetings and Tribal Nations Needs Assessment Project

September 2024 through June 2025


We all share a commitment to address gaps in services in our communities. We continued to hear about challenges tribal victims and survivors face receiving services and challenges connecting sister victim service programs and community partners in law enforcement, and prosecution.

The Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD) and its leadership, fund coordinators and CVSSD DEI Subcommittee Co-Chair and state partners will meet with community partners in each location as listed below.

CVSSD will release a brief 5 question survey in advance of each meeting to help guide an interactive 2-hour conversation with all of us at the table. You may access the survey here. We encourage you to include your team when responding to the survey.

Your experience is important to us. Please let us know if you have questions, or if there is anything we can do to support your participation in this workshop series.

Diana Fleming | 503-884-5548 | email

To help us with our planning, please indicate any accommodation needs you have on your registration, or by contacting:

Amanda Van Til | 503-378-6870| email

About the Program

The Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ), Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD) is hosting a series of 9 multi-county Community Collaboration Meetings in 23 of 36 counties between September 2024 – June 2025.   These meetings will include partners in each of the primary county service areas from law enforcement, prosecution, courts, victim services and child advocacy services.

In 2023, ODOJ/CVSSD completed the first half of the Community Collaboration and Tribal Nations Needs Assessment Project which was identified in the VAWA Implementation Plan. The listening sessions with each of the 9 federally recognized tribes focused on the collaborative partnerships across the state.


We are striving to be paper-free. The following handouts are not required to use during the meetings but meant to provide additional guidance or resources that may help strengthen partnerships between Tribal Nations and community partners.

Meeting Details

Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties
September 23, 2024 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Department of Justice Building, 100 SW Market Street Portland, OR 97201
1st Floor, Tilikum Conference Room
Map and Directions

Meeting capacity limited to 65 people therefore only one per agency may attend.  Please provide the name/contact information for an additional attendee. CVSSD will message organizations should additional slots become available.


CVSSD will validate parking for this meeting at the Crown Plaza Garage (CCP Lot #62) 120 SW Clay Street.  You must park here to have your parking validated.

What to Expect

Visitor check in process:

For security reasons the Oregon Department of Justice asks that visitors who are not listed on an attendee list for the 1st floor conference room or accessing the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th floors check in with the security guard on duty at the 1st floor. The guard will verify the visitors are expected and provide access into the 1st floor conference room or to the 4th floor via the elevator. Visitors accessing the 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th floors must sign the visitor log at reception and await an escort in the reception lobby. Visitors are required to use the restrooms located on the 1st floor of the building. Visitors who display a “visitor” sticker, provided by the guard will be given access back into the 1st floor conference room or the 4th floor. Please refer to the floor plan map and key for the location of the restrooms closest to the elevators on the 1st floor.

In the event of an emergency: In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation remain with your escort and go to the nearest designated exit. Do not run or use elevators. Exit the building on the 1st floor through the exit to the outside patio and proceed to the Keller Fountain Park at SW 3rd and Market. Gather in the elevated area at the corner of SW 4th and Market and remain with your escort at the DOJ assembly area awaiting further instructions. If you are on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th floors and mobility issues prevent you from using the stairs or you need medical attention, notify your escort and take shelter in the restroom located by the stairs to await rescue by emergency services personnel.


The building has ADA compliant ramp access at the East entrance along First Avenue. Visitors using this entrance will enter into the “Great Room”, connecting “The 100” and the “Woolworth Building” and will need to go past the indoor fireplace, media lounge and elevators to reach the Oregon Department of Justice security desk located near the Market Street entrance. ADA compliant restrooms are located to the left of the First Avenue entrance. (See photo)


Please refer to the map and map key for the location of restrooms on the 1st floor.


Under Oregon’s Smoke Free Workplace Law (ORS 433.835-870) smoking is not allowed within 10 feet of any building entrance, exit, window or air intake vent. Smoking is permitted on the pedestrian walk located between the 100 SW Market and 200 SW Market buildings.


We are committed to providing accessible materials and programming at all our events.

This venue is wheelchair accessible. Accessible parking areas, pathways, and entrances to the buildings are available.