Training Submission Form

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    Submit a Training to the CVSSD Calendar

    All events submitted to the CVSSD Training Calendar must focus on topics related to the crime victim services field such as victim assistance, victim compensation, or victim advocate training; however, events may also feature information about other related topics.

    All in-person trainings and conferences must be located in Oregon or in Clark County, Washington. Submissions are more likely to be approved if they are timely, relevant, and have accurate and comprehensive content. Please allow up to five business days for a submission to be approved.

    Questions? Email Caroline Olfert at




      ORWA** Clark County Only

      100 characters remaining

      1500 characters remaining

      ALLAdult Protective ServicesBatterer Intervention ProgramsCampus StaffChild AdvocatesChild Welfare/ProtectionCivil AttorneysCommunity-Based AdvocatesCorrections PersonnelCourt StaffDisability/Deaf OrganizationsDV ProgramsForensic InterviewersGovernment AgencyHealth ProfessionalsImmigration Service ProvidersInterpretersJudgesLaw EnforcementMental Health ProfessionalsMultidisciplinary GroupsPopulation Specific Service ProvidersProgram Directors/ManagersProsecutorsSANESA ProgramsSocial Service OrganizationsSubstance Abuse ProvidersTransitional Housing/Shelter ProvidersTribal Service ProvidersVictim-Witness SpecialistsVolunteers

      Please allow up to five business days for a submission to be approved.
      Questions? Email Caroline Olfert at